Friday, 05 April 2024 r.
- from 18:00 to 21:30 receiving competitors at the competition office, issuing starting packages and depositing equipment in the packs (applies to the AR PROFI route)
- 22:00 race instructions for Adventure PROFI route
- 23:00 start Adventure PROFI route
Saturday, 06 April 2024 r.
- from 7:00 opening of the competition office, issuing starting packages and depositing equipment in packs (applies to the AR OPEN route)
- 09:00 start of the Advenure OPEN route
- 10:00 start of the TR 100 bicycle route and TP 25 walking route
- 11:00 start of the TR 50 bicycle route and TP 7 walking route
- 18:00 limit of the TP 25 pedestrian route
- 19:00 limit of the TR 50 bicycle route
- 21:00 Adventure OPEN route limit
- 22:00 limit of the TR 100 bicycle route
Sunday, 07 April 2024 r.
- 12:00 closing of the competition base
*The competition program may still be subject to minor changes.